Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme and blog hop hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.
This prompt was from May 16 but it fits perfectly with what I wanted to write about. The topic is Things Getting in the Way of Reading.
I have had bad years when I didn't read very much but this year is by far the worst. Fortunately, we are only halfway through the year so all is not lost. Maybe making this list will help me figure out why I'm struggling so much. Here are ten reasons (excuses?) for why I'm not reading as much as I want to.
1. I can't focus. Is it undiagnosed ADHD? Being 48 yrs old and going through perimenopause? Both?
2. I work 3rd shift. This means I have a crazy sleep schedule. When I do try to read I tend to fall asleep.
3. Young adult fantasy has always been my favorite genre but I feel like I'm too old for many of these books. I'm struggling to find another favorite genre.
4. I keep playing The Sims 4 instead of reading.
5. Maybe this is a hot take but I don't think books are as well written as they used to be. I start books but don't feel compelled to keep reading. I DNF so many books.
6. I tried audiobooks but I got in trouble at work because they slow me down. I work as a grocery stocker and am supposed to stock 55 cases per hour. I can't do that and concentrate on listening to an audiobook at the same time.
7. I got banned from checking out physical copies of books from the library because of damage to some books. I swear it wasn't my fault!
8. My own books were also damaged and I had to throw away almost every book that I own.
9. I've replaced some of them but that can get expensive.
10. I watch too much Youtube. I find myself going down rabbit holes and watching videos on science, history, serial killers, aliens, analyzing how historically accurate the clothing is in Shrek...
Did this list help me figure out my issues with not reading as much as I'd like to?