Sunday, August 20, 2017

Unusual Youtube

I was watching the latest videos from the Youtubers that I'm subscribed to but then found myself clicking on the suggested videos. Anyone who has done this knows it always leads to finding unusual and sometimes even weird videos.

I spent my Saturday night watching these unusual videos and I thought, why not share what I found in a blog post? This could even become a regular topic that I blog about.

In this post, I'm going to share the three unusual videos that were my favorites. All of these were found completely by accident and by clicking on the Up Next section of Youtube.

Emma Blackery
The first video is from the channel Emma Blackery who is a musician but "does weird stuff in her downtime." The reason her channel was suggested to me is because my 13 year old daughter and I share a login at Youtube and she loves watching people play The Sims. I love playing The Sims but for some reason I don't enjoy watching other people play the game.

This video from Emma is Sims related. She does something I have always fantasized about. She lives a full 24 hours as a Sim! It turns out it's not as fulfilling as you'd think it would be.

Sweet Emelyne
 Considering the topic of the Sims video, it's pretty easy to understand why this next video was suggested. The second video is from a channel called Sweet Emelyne who describes herself as A Vintage Girl in the Modern World. In this video Emelyne lives like a 1950's housewife for 24 hours. Because she owns vintage clothing and household items, the video felt pretty authentic and was really fun to watch.  She also has a second 1950's housewife video where she lived a little more glamorously.

My New Me
The suggested videos decided to keep with the theme of domestic life but decided to get real if you know what I meanThe third video I'm going to share is from the channel My New Me. I don't know how old this Youtuber is but that's one of my favorite things about her. That alone is unusual but refreshing to see because sometimes it seems like Youtube is all millennials. Her channel is a documentation of her improving her home and her life.

The videos I first noticed was of her cleaning her cluttered, messy home. This is because I am a recovering hoarder so I could really relate to her experiences and feelings. (I really should write a post one day about being a recovering hoarder.) I am happy to say that my home is no longer hoarded but it took me a long time to get there. I can't imagine documenting my messy home. It has always brought me shame and been something I tried to hide, so for this Youtuber to be so honest and show that is moving to me. She also suffers from depression like I do.


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