Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Day Four Winter Bibliothon Blog Challenge: Holiday/Winter Fantasy Bucket List


My challenge to you is to blog about 10-15 things you want to do during the holidays or winter season with your favorite book characters.

My favorite Holiday/Winter book is Bridget Jones's Diary by Helen Fielding. I think Bridget is the perfect best friend so I was really excited to do this challenge!

1. Drink with Bridget and her friends at a fancy dinner party

2. Weigh myself with Bridget and be horrified

3. Drink with Bridget and cry about how lonely we are and decide vodka is better than men.

4. Make fun of Mark Darcy's clothes. (In the book it was bumblebee socks.)

5. Get wasted and sing karoke with Bridget (This scene was not in the book.)

6. Wax our legs together

7. Go to a Tarts and Vicars party with Bridget

8. Over analyze what our love interests say and wonder if they were being sarcastic

9. I would talk her out of her giant tummy holding in panties (In the book they won't stop rolling down over her tummy. Been there, done that!)

10. Swap #MeToo stories about creepy guys

11. Bond over how we both always feel like idiots

12. Also bond over how men are emotional fuckwits

13 More bonding over how we have felt like idiots but in public

14. Bond over how we are both terrible cooks


15. Lastly cheer each other on during our best girl power moments

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