Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Top Ten Books I Feel Meh About Reading But Might Be Really Good

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by hosted by The Artsy Reader Girl.

The topic this week is Top Ten Books I'm No Longer Interested In Reading but I tweaked it little to Top Ten Books I Feel Meh About Reading But Might Be Really Good. I just don't have the heart so say I'm not interested or that they probably aren't good.

I've read book 1 and book 3 of The Hunger Games trilogy but never book 2. (Yep, that's right. This was on the previous list. It feels weird to read it after knowing how it all ends.)

I read the first book. That seems good enough. I include the ones from Christian's point of view too. So the title of this post really should be the top fifteen books. 

This series is so soap opera-y and formulaic. I expect it to be more of the same.

I started it but just didn't like this version of Diana. I haven't felt the urge to finish it.

They're cats that fight. How much more could they possibly do?

I loved the first two Shadowhunters series. I'm afraid this will ruin that love. And it's so long!

She's a super hot princess who wants to open...a bakery?

I loved Mad About a Boy but because this is a prequel who the baby daddy actually will be is obvious. 

9. The Next Always (Inn BoonsBoro Trilogy #1)by Nora Roberts
This book is super popular but in Overdrive it's never not available. How can a book that popular never be checked out?

10. Turtles All the Way Downby John Green
I read a few chapters and my eyes glazed over. Teenagers don't talk like that and there was no story goal.


  1. Definitely agree with most of this list, including Wonder Woman - she's never quite been a character I could engage with

  2. Hi! I actually liked Catching Fire the best of the three! I gave up on wanting to read Turtles as well :)
    My TTT

  3. I'm going to try Heartless at some point, because I do own a copy but I've heard mixed things so we'll see. I'm sort of interested in Wonder Woman, but honestly, I want to read the Batman book more.


  4. I might get to Heartless eventually. The Next Always is always available because all of us Nora Roberts fans read it already -- now, it's your turn! Ha! It was a cute series, but I liked the series about the wedding planners better.
