Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by hosted by The Artsy Reader Girl.
The topic this week is Top Ten Books You Rarely Hear About
When I saw this topic I almost didn't post because I realized something pretty embarrassing about myself. I rarely read unknown books that aren't hyped about or that don't make the best seller list.
I'm embarrassed that I don't choose more books that aren't popular. I have read some but I don't know if I can make a full list of ten.
5. Goddess of the Sea(Goddess Summoning #1) by P.C. Cast
6. Girl's Guide to Witchcraft(Jane Madison #1)by Mindy Klasky
I was only able to come up with six books. Sigh.
I love Blankets! That’s one of my favorite graphic novels ever.
ReplyDeleteAj @ Read All The Things!