Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Announcing the WitchyReadathon August 1 - 31

Can you believe I have not hosted a #WitchyReadathon since 2016? I know I'm already hosting the seasonal Fun In The Sun Reading Challenge but I decided I just couldn't wait to do another witchy reading challenge. 

When I hosted it before, I liked to host one every season. I'm going to start doing that again. This challenge is also unique because it has always included fiction and nonfiction books. (I know some of you may be saying wait, there's nonfiction books about witchcraft? Yes there is! You can see my top ten favorites here!) Back then I also had a lot more time to read so I made the challenge only a week long. This time it will last an entire month. 

 The Rules:
  • This seasonal challenge begins August 1, 2020 and ends August 31, 2020. 
  • You may sign up anytime during the challenge. 
  • I won't be creating different challenge levels or prompts. I've always preferred a more open flexible challenge style.
  • Read as little or as many books as you want. Even if you just read one book I want you to participate!
  • You may include books of any format including traditional books, ebooks, or audiobooks.
  • Books may be nonfiction or fiction. (Here's a list of my top ten favorite nonfiction books on witchcraft and magick!) Fiction books can be any genre but they need to have a magical person as the main or supporting character. This can be any kind of magical person such as a witch, wizard, magician, shaman, pathworker, bruja/brujo, druid, shapeshifter, and so on. The story must focus on magic in some way. 
  • You may reread books. Books may count towards other reading challenges. 
  • Use the hashtag #WitchyReadathon on social media. *UPDATE* I have created a Twitter just for the readathon @witchyreadathon
  • If you could be so kind, please place the Witchy Readathon banner on your blog to help spread the word. 
  • Please link back to this blog, post about it on Instagram, tweet about it, and so on to help spread the word.
  • Sign up below by leaving your below!

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